Healthy environment and interior design in the digital age
Where to start planning of your home?
First you need to think about:
How long are you going to live in this place?
Is this a rental apartement or your own apartment/house?
How big is your family, is it going to grow?
Are children of the same gender or do they need different rooms?
The more precisely you think about your family`s exact needs, the better.
How to create a healthy home that does not cause health problems to its residents, on the next page.
In addition to good light, low noise, fresh air, non-harmful materials, our work results are affected also by electromagnetic fields. Until now, researchers have investigated mainly the immediate effects of strong electromagnetic fields, but it is actually believed that the consequences will show up as for smoking, only over the years.
Office workers often sit behind two monitors nowadays, in some places even more. But who thinks of the rescue workers themselves, who are facing four or more monitors daily?
Children and the elderly are the most vulnerable to electromagnetic radiation. In many countries, such as Israel, children are allowed to buy the first mobile only at the age of 16 and in some countries, such as France, WIFI in kindergartens and smart devices in schools are prohibited. Such decisions have been made because of scientific reasons for protecting children's health.
What is a good learning environment at school and how to use modern technology so that it does not harm children's health.
Expert opinion on 5G by Hiie Hinrikus,
Professor Emeritus, Taltech
in summary:
Health effects associated with radio frequency radiation require attention and resolution.
The health risks associated with radio frequency radiation may not be completely avoided, but they can be reduced by tightening current radiation standards. The population must be informed in order to make the right choices on voluntary basis. It is expedient to apply the precautionary principle and the principle of reasonable use. Several countries have already done so. Estonia should not risk the reproductive capacity and quality of life of its population.
Instead of 5G, it makes sense to invest in health-friendly fiber optic cable, including local area network.
Radio-and microwave exposure guidelines in Estonia are similar than warned in the video up above: 600 - 1000 µW /cm2
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt has been successfully treating Google, Amazon and Silicon Valley employees and their children for many years. He has healed his patients by protecting them from Wifi and mobile radiation and advising to use wired computers.